Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I'm not in Kansas anymore

What seems to be a long time has passed. It hasn't been very easy to keep this blog updated for various reasons but here I am trying to keep it updated ag
ain. Since the last entry I have pedaled through Illinois, Missouri, & Kansas (see some pics below). To do this, I have had help from fellow cyclists, and by people hosting me in their home, church,  & even bike shop. I also have been helped by the terrain & wind even though those have also hindered me as well. I have come to some empasses during this trip when I didn't think I could continue. I feel like I'm approaching another one again. My knees are hurting, my ankle is puffy again retaining fluid, a storm is apparently approaching, the next several towns are pretty barren and far, and my cell service is non-existent in this town in which I'm presently (Sheridan Lakes, CO). It's a good thing I have shelter in a church but I don't really know why I was called to do this trip. I'm also afraid of the Rocky Mountains that are coming up here in Colorado. I want to believe that by doing this trip I will get a better sense of how I would like my business to be and what it ultimately is about. True,  it will be a wellness coaching business but what is my platform? What's the underlying desire, belief, passion, etc. that it will be built on?
Could it be based on doing what makes you feel good? How about when what usually makes you feel good doesn't anymore but you're already committed to it? All the while remembering that sometimes things are just hard to do.
Anyway, here are some pics from the last several states I've been in. There has been tough times but those times have made the good times even sweeter. : )

Monday, July 7, 2014

Back in the saddle again - part two

Camping behind a church in Vesuvius, KY. Went down the steepest hill I ever went down to get to town.
Dee, Pat, Justin, & Mook

The house of our 1st warm shower host's

After cycling hilly rocky road but worth it
 considering where we will be staying.

View from porch

Aaron (cyclist we met on the road) & Rebecca (fabulous host)

Back in the saddle again- part one.

So I haven't been able to post on this blog for numerous reasons: account problems, no wifi, etc. but since I've had several days off due to reasons I'll get to in a bit, I've had time to work on my to-do list. So below are various pics taken since around the middle of June with some comments.

I'm calling this post "back in the saddle again" because tomorrow I'll be riding with my cycling group again. While getting through the last major climbs through the Appalachian mountains, my feet, ankles, & calves started to swell up (ugh!). I continued for about 3 more days then we arrived in Berea, KY and took a rest day. However, after that rest day my legs weren't any better so while the rest of the group went on, I stayed behind to rest in Kentucky. The kind warm showers host we had been staying with, Paige, drove me to Richmond, KY to an urgent care & took me around to find the best motel for me. I stayed there for 3 days- it wasn't fun and TV was pretty boring. The nurse practitioner I saw thought that the swelling was probably due to overexertion. Anyway, I finally decided to drive to Owensboro, KY (about a 3.5 hrs drive from Richmond, KY) so that I could then bike to where I am now, Sebree (about 30 miles from Owensboro), to wait for my friends. So now y'all are generally caught up with my most recent occurrences.
Enjoy the pics & leave comments, I'd love to hear from you!

Blue Ridge Mountains

After pushing my bike up a 6 mile, 3,000 ft. hill and starting on the
Blue Ridge Mt parkway.

More pics to come in part two.

The First Real Day

Yesterday (6/16/14) was the day that I met up with my new cycling friends so my day consisted of being a passenger in Dad's car, then a passenger in Carolyn's car, then hsving lunch with two of my awesome BBSH classmates in Charlottsville, VA, then meeting up with some of the cycling group in early evening also in Charlottsville. I biked only about 4 miles just to test out the bike a bit. Today's temp., 6/17th, is in the 90's, hills were long & steep, & my feet were sore. However, the mileage was purposefully low at about 25 miles. Tomorrow we are expecting a hard day since we will be climbing up a 6 mile hill towards the Blue Ridge Mountains. We're planning an early start time-probably 7am to leave. Here are a couple pics from a peach orchard & one from a view we passed near Greenwood, VA. We're staying at a campsite tonight called Misty Mountain Campground. Wish me luck for tomorrow.

Leaving Mahwah

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go.... but I'm not leaving on a jet plane. Yup, I'm cycling across the country. That is, that's the plan at least. I'm plan on going slow since I haven't had much time for training (with moving out of my condo & all. Wish me luck & send lots of encouraging notes, I know that I will need them! Thanks!